
At Glenashley Preparatory School our sport ethos is that all pupils are encouraged to participate in as many activities as they can so that they can build their personal fitness and skill level, enjoy a range of sports and cultural activities, and develop a lifelong desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We believe that at this young age participation in sport should go hand in hand with enjoyment and growing a love for playing sport.

The school uses our excellent facilities to the full and offers a range of team and individual sports, as well as cultural activities, giving learners the chance to develop holistically.

Sport is a vital part of the school curriculum as it promotes the health and well-being of learners, but it also provides an opportunity to develop and practice personal qualities vital for a successful life; such as confidence, discipline, teamwork, leadership skills and resilience.

There is a full programme of sporting fixtures throughout the year, including inter-house competitions, sports day, swimming galas and weekly inter-school fixtures.


  • Cricket
  • Swimming
  • Netball
  • Soccer
  • Girls soccer (term 4)
  • 7’s Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Cross Country
  • Chess


  • Choir
  • Coding and Robotics
  • eSports
  • Culinary classes
  • Green Team – social & environmental club
  • Fitness and Skills
  • Road running
  • Art
  • Academic support