Kindly complete the application form found on the Downloads dropdown menu and submit it together with the required documentation (see checklist on the final page of the application form) to Mrs Marshall at
It is important to note the following:
- The completion and submission of this form does not in any way, imply acceptance of your child.
- The acceptance of siblings is not automatic. Preference is given to applicants living in close proximity to
Glenashley Preparatory School. - The Application form must be completed in full and all documentation provided before it will be accepted and processed.
- Certified copies of requested documentation must be attached and returned to the school with this
Application form (see checklist). The school may not make photocopies nor certify documents. - Correspondence is done via email. Therefore, please ensure your email address is correct and legible.
- A fee of R2000 is payable on acceptance of new learners across all grades.
This is included in the annual fee and credited to the school fee account. - For Leap Admissions, a once off amount of R4 500 Capital Development Fee is payable across all grades
on acceptance, which is applied towards the development of the Leap Unit. - Closing date for 2025 applications is 31 July 2024, although admissions will commence and continue until the
school is deemed full.
If a parent gained entrance for his/her child to this school by making a false statement regarding his/her place of residence or any other information, the school is entitled to revoke the agreement, which allowed the learner concerned admission to this school.
The high standard of education set at Glenashley Preparatory School is dependent on the compulsory school fees
paid by parents. The school fees for the current year: 2024 are as follows. These amounts are expected to increase for 2025:
Mainstream Grade 4 – 7: R44 930.00 per annum. Leap Gr 4 – 7: R53 650.00 per annum.
Application from a foreigner must be accompanied by appropriate documentation for entry into a South African School. This must include Residence Permit and Study Visa.
Should you wish to apply for your child’s enrolment in our Academic Support Unit (Leap), we will also require a recent educational psychologist report (within the last 18 months of your application).