At Glenashley Preparatory School, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn and enjoy Music as part of a balanced school experience. Music lessons include singing, history of music, learning to read and write basic music theory, writing a rap, exposure to different genres of music, resulting in the development of an appreciation of music.
Class Drama lessons include acting in mimes and role plays, making puppets, writing a script and producing a puppet show, praise poems, and presenting an oral as an individual and group work. Productions, talent shows and choral verse give our learners the opportunity to express their dramatic flair, and put into the practice the skills they have learnt.
Glenashley Preparatory School offers Visual Art from Grade 4 to 7. It forms part of Dramatic Arts curriculum, which includes Music and Drama. In Visual Art lessons we cover different forms of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. We study and apply the different art and design principles to communicate a specific message through our artwork. We encourage creativity by giving pupils freedom to express themselves through their art, within reasonable requirements, determined by CAPS. A variety of projects are done from Grade 4 to 7 and we develop art skills by using different mediums.